How Competing Institutional Logics Affect Corporate Social Responsibility Benefits: the Mediating Role of Paradox Mindset and Multi-Stakeholders Journal of the Knowledge Economy


How Competing Institutional Logics Affect Corporate Social Responsibility Benefits: the Mediating Role of Paradox Mindset and Multi-Stakeholders Journal of the Knowledge Economy

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logics intitle:how

Both the actor and the audience are aware that the performance is not ‘real’. Strong scripts, as Kevin aptly illustrates, integrate the new logic so well that the performance seems fluid and natural. There is little awareness, either from the actor or the audience, that the meeting involves the performance of a script. A strong script—that is, one that is deeply enacted—is easy to execute in an unselfconscious manner. Historically the partnership allocated projects and professional work to individual professionals on the assumption that each partner would be responsible for managing their projects on a ‘holistic’ basis, coordinating the project with a range of junior professionals. Indeed, this division of labor is quite common in traditional professional partnerships ( Nordenflycht 2010 ). That is, they only exist to the degree that a community of actors adopt a unified set of beliefs and routinely behave in accordance with those beliefs ( Schutz 1976 ).

Why some are more equal: family firm heterogeneity and the effect on management’s attention to CSR

This article extends the emerging interest in inhabiting institutions with people. Our focus is in understanding how individuals make sense of competing institutional logics by analysing how logics of management become a subjective reality for each individual manager.

Theoretical implications

Efficient IFTA reporting contributes to overall operational efficiency. By staying on top of reporting requirements, drivers and fleet managers can redirect their focus toward optimizing routes, reducing costs, and enhancing fleet performance. The foundation of a successful IFTA report lies in meticulous recordkeeping. Drivers and fleet managers should maintain detailed records of fuel purchases, mileage, and routes traveled. Using a TMS – like TruckLogics – can help you keep track of this information. Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly
interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area.

For instance, to shield the healthcare sector from being entirely commodified, the healthcare system should not merely rest on the market-based philosophy of incentives, and should avoid the exclusive use of market-based terminology [38]. For other logics, ‘care as’ and ‘relationship’ are distinct dimensions. By contrast, the logic of care is centred entirely on the ‘care relationship’. Whereas in other logics individuals are treated as independent and rational beings, in the logic of care, individuals are treated as interdependent and shaped by their relations with others. Different from the logic of bureaucracy and professionalism, the logic of care distances itself from a hierarchical relationship between the professional and the care recipient and advances a more equal relationship.

He even explained some unpopular managerial decisions for instance the announcement of a freeze in salary and perks and some recent lay-offs. Meetings are key sites for scripting in organizations ( Gioia and Poole 1984 ). They are understood by participants as genres that conform to institutionalized expectations of performance and behavior. The script of a typical corporate meeting is quite distinct from that of a professional partnership. The former exhibits hierarchical control, concentrated power and efficient decision-making focused on maximizing profit. The latter, in contrast, emphasizes collegiality, distributed power, and decision making that focuses on quality of practices. Our analysis of two meetings, one at Copenhagen and the other in country, demonstrate these differences.

To optimise efficiency, the organisation will try to minimise the marginal costs and optimise the use of fixed-cost resources. The organisation constantly seeks to achieve the equilibrium between optimising efficiency and maintaining the quality of their product (as any loss of quality might deter clients from purchasing their product). Adam Smith, a philosopher by training, lay the foundations of classical economics by describing the benefits of the division of labour and the free market [21]. Smith theorised that ‘the invisible hand’, the pursuit of self-interest of people within a competitive market, is beneficial to the public interest.

They also spoke according to the narrative of the market – ‘they have to run a business’ – but, in addition, some expressed an interest (i) in trying to build a ‘home’, and (ii) in embracing person-oriented care. The managers of all three for-profit nursing homes demonstrated personal knowledge of their residents and their specific character traits. We found that experts (i.e. macro-level) primarily adopted a market narrative.

In all but the most superficial respects the meeting reflected a form of retrospective sensemaking in which the key actors largely drew from historical scripts of identity and practice. The three elements identified earlier, however, were referred to most frequently and poignantly by our subjects as capturing the essence of the ideological changes experienced by the firm. As we will demonstrate in the next section, these shifts also served as foundational referents for individual professionals intent on making sense of the changes as they reconstructed their personal professional identities.

Read more about kmap solver here. As a new type of epistemic logics, the logics of knowing how capture the high-level epistemic reasoning about the knowledge of various plans to achieve certain goals. Existing work on these logics focuses on axiomatizations; this paper makes the first study of their model theoretical properties.

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